AB: Rehearsals start in about a week, is that right?
PF: Tuesday.
AB: And are you looking forward to it?
PF: Oh yeah, I re-read Eclipse on my Hawaiian vacation, and then I read the script right after.
PF: Tuesday.
AB: And are you looking forward to it?
PF: Oh yeah, I re-read Eclipse on my Hawaiian vacation, and then I read the script right after.
AB: What was your favorite part of Eclipse?
PF: I actually like that, in the book, a lot of the family members are talked about, and in the movie they’re in it a lot more. The books are all told from Bella’s perspective, so a lot of times, when she’s not in the scene and things are happening, you don’t actually get to see them, like the battle scene, for instance. In Eclipse when the whole family and the werewolves are fighting the newborn vampires, it’s talked about and through Edward you kind of get something, but in the movie you actually get to see it, you know, so I like that in the interpretations of the movies, it’s not always about Bella’s perspective. She isn’t always in the scene, and so that opens up the story a little bit. The Cullens are in it a lot more throughout.
AB: So, in that case are you doing stunt work?
PF: Yeah, we’re going up there and we’re going to have fight training. I’m excited about that. I mean, I’m a guy, so I like the action stuff, and I’m excited because it’s fun for me to have Carlisle be part of the action stuff – get in there and roll up his sleeves. For an actor, it’s fun, but for playing the character too there’s a whole other side.
AB: It’d be interesting to see … have they told you at all how they’re going to fight because in the mythological world, it’s kind of an attack and bite system between vampires and werewolves … is that what they’re going for?
PF: I have no idea. I’ll know more when I get up there, and I’m sure David [Slade] has a better idea of how we’re going to play all that. You know, Catherine [Hardwicke] had certain ideas of how we were going to play it. Chris had his ideas how we move. I know that when we did Twilight, you know Catherine actually had us do cat classes because she wanted us to be more cat-like and like the whole world of vampires more like a feline family, and werewolves more like the canine family, and so the way we moved was more cat-like. And then Chris [Weitz] came and he was like, you know what, I kind of want it to be not so feline/canine and their movements be a little more stealthy, so the way he showed vampires was a little bit different in New Moon. Like if I had to get from here to across the room, you know, he’ll have a camera on me and then whip-pan than then I’ll be over there. So, it’s not like all of a sudden, I’m doing some kind of weird Fab Four run to the other side of the room which is interesting. There’s a lot of in-camera to express the vampire movement, and I don’t know what David has in store for that. So, that’s the interesting thing about having different directors. They have different interpretations for the same story.

wow !!!! the poster is fantastic :)