Saturday, August 22, 2009
RPattz interview with

- Robert Pattinson on New Moon “It wasn’t just the director that made this one different,” Pattinson said. “It was so different as well because we kind of knew what type of animal that we were dealing. I was much more of a supporting role, in this one. It was actually one of the most relaxing jobs that I’ve ever done. Chris has a really peaceful presence and I got on really well with him.”Even before any footage was completed to screen, Pattinson could tell New Moon would differ from Twilight. “ Aesthetically, it looks very different. The script was very different. It’s a completely different mood. So, I’m really interested to see how it works out.”
- As for the vampire craze that continues to fuel his franchise, Pattinson can’t comment. “I think we’re the worst people to ask about it. The problem is that, when I looked at it, I never looked at it as a vampire story, right from the beginning. When I try to play it, I try to eliminate the vampire element, as much as I can, and just see it as a tool to make their relationship a little more fraught. Right after the audition, I found myself bizarrely invested in the story and I hadn’t even read the books, at that point. I’ve gotten more and more attached to it.
- I’ve been talking about the script for Eclipse to people, over the last few weeks, and I find myself getting very argumentative, which I’m not usually. They definitely have some kind of power.”But, and not just for PR purposes, New Moon was his favorite book. “Mainly because I like the juxtaposition. Edward is such a hyped character, and there are so many people looking at him like a romantic hero. In New Moon, the way that I read it anyway, he’s just so humbled. It’s a character who’s looking at Bella and thinking that he loves something too much, but he can’t be around. He deliberately starts breaking up their relationship, which I think is a very relatable thing that is very painful. And, in the fight sequence at the end, Bella ends up saving Edward, as she does in every single one of the books. It’s really funny how everyone looks at Edward as the hero, and he’s continuously saved by the damsel in distress. I think he really realizes that in New Moon. Eclipse is really him trying to catch up with Jacob because he’s so out of the loop and he can’t speak in superlatives anymore. He’s accepted being alive and he needs to catch up to Jacob.”
Friday, August 21, 2009
First Julia Jones interview as Leah Clearwater [audio interview]
Audition Process: “It wasn’t too tricky. David really spent some time working on the character with me.”
When she found out she got the role: “Maybe the last day of July”
On reading the books: “I got very obsessive and went through all 4 of them. In the last week and a half, I’ve read the first 3. I just finished Eclipse today. I think the books are incredible. Stephenie Mayer managed to capture a level of humanity, especially with Bella’s character. Her inner thoughts are the similar thoughts you’ve ha d in similar situations but they’re so deep down, ones that you sometimes don’t even admit to yourself.”
Starts shooting: mid-September
In the rest of the interview, Julia discusses not meeting the cast yet, and more about her fav parts of the book, how she’s prepared and more. In Part 2, she goes more in-depth about her character, Breaking Dawn, filming in Vancouver, and how she is preparing for this Twilight madness. Plus, she answers fan questions! Stay tuned.
All about Boo-Boo Stewart, Eclipse’s Seth Clearwater

Eclipse Shooting: First look at Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria and Xavier Samuel as Riley

Another New Promo Pic.. Edward?

New Moon Life Size Cardboard Cut Outs

Update on Glamour Magazine with NM Girls
Talk about Beautiful, thanks to Amy who sent in these scans from her magazine. We've seen the Ashley pic but the others are definitly new. And look at Nikki, this is more new fav pic of her!
Eclipse Set Pics: is this Royce? or Peter?

New Alice New Moon Still

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Entertainment Weekly: Full Article Scans

UK fan events: Twilight Proms

Twilight Proms will take place in London on September 18-19, 2009 and in Birmingham on September 19-21, 2009. Get loads more information at their site!
Summit releases New Moon Movie Synopsis

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Rachelle Lefevre, Billy Burke, Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning
Based on the Novel “New Moon” by Stephenie Meyer / Screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg
Directed by Chris Weitz
In the second installment of Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally successful TWILIGHT series, the romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as BELLA SWAN (Kristen Stewart) delves deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural world she yearns to become part of—only to find herself in greater peril than ever before.
Following Bella’s ill-fated 18th birthday party, EDWARD CULLEN (Robert Pattinson) and his family abandon the town of Forks, Washington, in an effort to protect her from the dangers inherent in their world. As the heartbroken Bella sleepwalks through her senior year of high school, numb and alone, she discovers Edward’s image comes to her whenever she puts herself in jeopardy. Her desire to be with him at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks.
With the help of her childhood friend JACOB BLACK (Taylor Lautner), Bella refurbishes an old motorbike to carry her on her adventures. Bella’s frozen heart is gradually thawed by her budding relationship with Jacob, a member of the mysterious Quileute tribe, who has a supernatural secret of his own.
When a chance encounter brings Bella face to face with a former nemesis, only the intervention of a pack of supernaturally large wolves saves her from a grisly fate, and the encounter makes it frighteningly clear that Bella is still in grave danger. In a race against the clock, Bella learns the secret of the Quileutes and Edward’s true motivation for leaving her. She also faces the prospect of a potentially deadly reunion with her beloved that is a far cry from the one she’d hoped for. With more of the passion, action and suspense that made TWILIGHT a worldwide phenomenon, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON is a spellbinding follow-up to the box office hit.
U.S. release via Summit Entertainment, November 20, 2009.
1 Barn + 2 Vamps + A Flashback: Langley Set Stalking Spoilers
Eclipse set update: It's a wrap. A barn, two vamps (not confirmed which ones) hear flashback scene. Pics and videos later.Which Vamps?? Read more at Twilight Examiner. Thx, TCA!
KStew Isn't 'Important Enough' to Get Free Designer Clothes?! Say What?!

"The really cool stuff - I never get to keep any of that. Like anything for an event or anything like that," she tells Entertainment Weekly of the clothes she wears to high-profile events.It is understandable then that Kristen finds it "bizarre" that her young fans are obsessed with copying the clothes she wears. "The things that have been sold out have been the things that people are actually able to get that are semi-cheap," she explains. "Those things like sweatshirts and jackets, those things are mine, which is bizarre to have people go out and buy."Kristen Stewart, who is currently filming "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" in Vancouver, Canada, is reported to have donned clothes designed by Yigal Azrouel, Herve Leger and Camilla and Marc for her red carpet appearances.In another Kristen news, she has been featured on the cover of Dazed & Confused's September issue. Interviewed by the magazine, she complained of being hounded by paparazzi, whom she blamed for often putting he under media scrutiny.
What? I can't believe it, Twilight is a major money maker and for the kids to not reap the rewards, is just messed up. ( source )Fandango Revisits KStews Heated Rehearsal

Kristen Stewart's Heated Rehearsal--The monitors show the inside of the Volturi's underground lair. To us, standing right outside of it, the domed, encapsulated set is constructed entirely of wood. Ladders are leaning against it in various places and spotlights are placed around it to give that sunlight-streaming-in effect. Kristen Stewart rehearses a scene with Cameron Bright, who plays Alec. Off screen, Alec's witch twin – Jane (Dakota Fanning) – is torturing Edward with her special power that gives the illusion of pain. All we see is Stewart's reaction: "Stop! Stop it! You're hurting him!" she desperately yells and stutters to Jane, not taking her eyes off Edward. "Do whatever you want to me! Try it on me—Try it on me! Just stop hurting him—please!" Bright holds her arm as she futilely attempts to twist free. Cut to a close-up of Stewart's face. Her brows are furrowed and she's misty-eyed. The camera lingers on Stewart as she falls silent. Off screen, we hear a high-pitched laugh and voice of Michael Sheen, who plays Aro: "How remarkable! She confounds us all...
"The rehearsal continues a few more times, with different camera angles set up on Stewart. In between takes, she and director Chris Weitz discuss. Stewart's hand gestures are pronounced, but she manages to keep smiling. A man walks up to her and gently combs her hair back into place. On set, a guy yells "Everybody, shut the hell up!" silencing the whispers that are adding to the ambient noise. After some of the takes, Stewart has a smirk on her face—she looks slightly embarrassed. It reminds me of a scene in Twilight where Bella is in the hospital and she's stuttering the word "no" as she pleads with Edward not to leave her. Suddenly, someone from the crew marches up to our viewing section. "All guests, step out," he commands tersely. He repeats himself, and I and the other press members get a move on. Did Kristen request that we leave? Who knows. Outside, we spot a blond bloke wearing a Volturi get-up, loitering with a cigarette in one hand and a water bottle in the other. It's Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower)! We snag him for an exclusive interview. He's hilarious—definitely the comedian of the Volturi coven.
Read the rest at Fandango!
Stephenie Meyer, Female Force, Comic Book!

The latest in Bluewater Productions' line of "Female Force" comics, the Meyer bio will hit shelves in both a standard-size issue and a limited-run, 32-page version featuring a custom, alternate cover debuting exclusively here on Splash Page! If you're already planning to pick this one up, keep in mind that you won't be able to order the limited-edition "Female Force: Stephenie Meyer" issue at your local comic shop. The limited-edition format will only be available via Dazzled By Twilight, a retailer in Forks, Washington (the real-life town where "Twilight" is set—but you already knew that). Don't worry, though, fans who can't make the pilgrimage to Forks can order the comic online, as well as a poster-sized print of the cover.
Read more about this comic at MTV.
Update:Pre-order New Moon Soundtrack

Judging a Book By It’s Twilight Cover

“Novels getting a makeover because of a movie or television adaptation is nothing new … the new edition of Wuthering Heights, from Harper, borrows the contemporary Gothic design style of Meyer’s successful series. The American edition, coming in October, re-presents the Brontë novel with a cover comprising a black background and blood-red rose, while the UK edition opts for a tender white bloom, and the very vampiric cover blurb: Love Never Dies.
Should we be appalled, or approving of this latest move?”
See the full Guardian Interview here.
As a side note, initially back in 2005 Twilight didn’t sell well in the UK. It didn’t start to catch on until Eclipse when the UK covers matched the American styles and the books were rebranded. The original UK cover is pictured to the left. I find it a little scary, the girl looks skinny anorexic and all you see is lockers?!
So what do you think, how much does a cover help a novel be it a new one or a classic?