"Wow, Rob - your Stoli shirt is so schmexy... it'd look great on my floor!" (<--- so sorry - I really couldn't resist!)

But seriously, when I first saw these photos of Rob and Kristen at the Kings of Leon show with the Eclipse cast I was like "Meh, they're just two buds, having fun and talking to each other over the loud music - no biggy!"And then I saw this......Wait for it......Bam!

I think this looks like Kristen's sitting back in her chair and Rob's leaning in to hear her over the music (clicky to see bigger) ... make of these what you will, I will now bury my head even deeper into my denial :)
KStew411 shares this twitpic, which shows the whole gang at the KOL concert, including somebody random identified as maybe / maybe not S. Meyer:
Who wouldn't want to see Rob's Stoli shirt crumpled next to their bed, I know I would. Can I get an Amen!