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Friday, September 18, 2009
How Fame hasn't changed Rob & Kris have a great interview with Rachelle Lefevre who played Victoria in Twilight and New Moon before being replaced in Eclipse by Bryce Dallas Howard over conflicting schedules. She talks how fame hasn't change who Rob and Kris really are. Its a great article, read below =)
They became overnight superstars after the success of the first Twilight movie, but Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson haven't let it go to their heads.
"When you go from being a relative unknown to being a success overnight, you definitely grow in leaps and bounds," says Rachelle LeFevre, who plays evil vampire Victoria in Twilight and the upcoming sequel New Moon. "The thing that was most striking for me was the way in which they didn't change."
"If you can weather the fire and come out on the other side and you're still recognizable to everybody who knew you before, I think that's indicative of a larger grace," the French-Canadian actress, 30, said at the Entertainment Weekly and Women In Film pre-Emmy party in L.A. on Sept. 15.
LeFevre herself has weathered the fire after being replaced in the saga's third film, Eclipse, by actress Bryce Dallas Howard.
"I was devastated and I was shocked," she says. "But the truth is I am grateful for the Twilight franchise. I'm grateful for the doors that it opened to me. I love my cast. And I think New Moon is going to be great."
Kristen Stewart,
Rachelle Lefevre,
Robert Pattinson,
Meet Me At The Equinox/New Moon Trailer!
Total awesomeness - I'm liking this song the more I hear it!
Thanks to Gorgeous Graham & Lorabell via TCA!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
HQ New Moon Jane Picture
Last week I posted the HQ pictures of the volturi, as well as a new Bella, Alice and Edward shots. But Jane (Dakota Fanning) was missing. Well here she is! =)
New Moon The Movie,
The Volturi
NM Soundtrack deets will release tomorrow!
According to the NY Times, the New Moon soundtrack track list will be announced to the public on Friday, September 18th. Ms. Patsavas from Chop Shop Records had this to say of the SOuntrack that is being released on October 20th.
"Ms. Patsavas, known for her work on television shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Gossip Girl,” said she was confident that the “New Moon” soundtrack would include Thom Yorke, Bon Iver and Band of Skulls. Death Cab for Cutie’s “Meet Me on the Equinox,” the first single, had its premiere on on Sunday, as part of a “Twilight” promotional blitz surrounding MTV’s Video Music Awards. There has been extensive speculation in the music industry all summer about who else would be included. Representatives of Grizzly Bear and the Killers said those groups would be on the soundtrack, but Ms. Patsavas declined to comment, saying that the track list would be completed and announced on Friday."
Read the full article HERE. Wow, can't wait to see who is all going to contribute to New Moon's music! =)
Eclipse Set Pics:NEWBORNS!
Allie and Malicious Mandy has another great report at another Vancouver Eclipse set! This time they 'have the chance to see a new set being filmed for Eclipse..the scene where the newborns arrive in Forks.' The girls took wonderful pictures and give us details of the set!
Allie reported:
I had a chance to see a new set being filmed for Eclipse… the scene where the newborns arrive in Forks. It’s a picturesque scene, with mountains and water framing the background of the shot, and a sparse unoccupied beach for the newborns to arrive on… then they disappear into the forest. The vampire newborns looked absolutely chilling, and their rugged military-like outfits along with steely, determined glares just added to the mood. Filmed early in the morning, this scene was designed to look as if it had been shot at night, possibly just after dusk or just before dawn. Riley (Xavier Samuel) and Bree (Jodelle Ferland) were on set as well as a number of newborn vampires we have NEVER seen before.
I’m always amazed at what a huge production it is to film just a few seconds for these movies. Second Unit Director EJ Foerster was on set, calm but directive… doing dozens of different takes for only a couple scenes. An amazing number of people involved plus tons of equipment and hours of filming from so many different angles just to get a 5 second shot… wow. Check out all the equipment on the shore, including the scuba diving gear and the dinghys. You can also see some of the shorter fake trees they used in the foreground on the beach.
And Malicious Mandy also reported:
Great Shot of one of the vampires walking back into the water to prepare to shoot them exiting water (again) It was amazing to see how many time they shot the same thing over and over and over, then re-set the camera angles and lights to re-shoot the same thing over and over again and again. Tedious and less glamourous than people think that's for sure.
Talk about creepy. These newborns look fantastic and scary!
Set Shots,
Twilight Saga:Eclipse
Royce not originally in Eclipse script?!
E!Online has an interview with Jack Huston who plays Royce (Rosalies human fiance) in Eclipse. There's a chance we may never have met Royce and the small but meaty part may not have even existed were it not for David Slade taking a meeting with Huston.
"I went in to the director and he very sweetly wrote this part up for me," the actor admits. "It was kind of a nice compliment from him."
Now, as for those costars of his…Sadly, Huston has only spent one day on the set thus far, and that was with Reed, much to his relief.
"She's actually a real sweetie and the very first day she made me feel very welcome," he says. "We were away from the madness which is, I think, Robert and Kristen. I think they have hundreds of incessant fans following them, which, fair enough. We were quite lucky. We were in the park, beautiful, and it was fun."
David Slade,
Jack Huston
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Used New Moon Song Deets =) recently interview The Used who shared that their new song for the New Moon soundtrack was written especially for the movie, as well as being the title track, and is called "For You I Would" - good title!
New Moon The Movie,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
Monday, September 14, 2009
Meet Me On The Equinox Song Lyrics
Meet me on the equinox
Meet me halfway
When the sun is perched on its highest peak
In the middle of the day
Let me give my love to you
Let me take your hand
And as we walk in the dimming light
Oh darling understand that everything ends
Meet me on your best behavior
Or meet me at your worst
For there will be no stone unturned
Or bubble left to burst
Let me lay beside you darling
Let me be your man
And let our bodies intertwine
But always understand that everything ends
A window
An open tomb
The sun crawls across your bedroom
A halo
A waning moon
Your last breath moving through you as everything ends
Meet me on the equinox
Meet me halfway
When the sun is perched on its highest peak
In the middle of the day
Let me give my love to you
Let me take your hand
And as we walk in the dimming light
Oh darling understand that everything ends
HQ New Moon Trailer Stills
Amazing & Scary
Twilight Poison has made incredible HQ screencaps of the new New Moon trailer. See them all here.
Bella Cliff Diving Stills
Screen-cap'd of the Official Extended New Moon Trailer
Loads more here!
Loads more here!
Gah, this movie is going to be so good! =)
New Moon The Movie,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
Bye Bye Silver Volvo-Hello Dark Silver Volvo
Still from Extended New Moon Trailer
Twilight Lexicon reports that we can rest easy, because Edward's car is silver. When asked about the color of Edward's car in Eclipse, Summit said:
“Edward is driving the exact same car he drove in NEW MOON.”
Sly Sly Summit, you fooled us into thinking the Silver Volvo was back but nope, Edward's volvo is dark silver/grey in New Moon, so he is driving the same Volvo from New Moon in Eclipse, ahh the pic above. Now don't kill me, I think the new Volvo is hot! BUT the silver volvo is priceless!
New Moon The Movie,
Twilight Saga:New Moon,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
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