How cute does Justin look? See more on photographer Jason Wallis’ site.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Chaske Spencer aka Sam Uley talks Emily & Wolves
In part two of's exclusive interview with Chaske Spencer, best known as Sam Uley in New Moon, the second film in the Twilight Saga, the actor opens up about his chemistry with his beautiful co-star Tinsel Korey, what a pro Kristen Stewart is, and even what he thinks the werewolf tattoo means!
Radar: How is your on screen chemistry with Tinsel Korey?
Spencer: She's a sweet heart, I love that girl. What we did was we went out for coffee and we talked to build some chemistry to sit and get to know one and other. When we got to filming it went really well, it went really easy. Of course, you meet someone and the next day you're kissing them. It's a weird profession. You can't fake it. She's one of my really good friends, I call her up. I can put her on my top five actually. I text Alex and Kiowa, we talk to each other because we're all going through this together. Tinsel I like her because I can talk to her in ways that I can't talk to the other guys. It's almost like we are becoming that family in the book. Tinsel is a good actress and a talented, talented woman. I like her music. We would just hang out and talk, go to dinner, shoot the breeze.
Radar: What about the first time you saw Tinsel with the scar? How did you feel about that?
Spencer: She's a really beautiful woman and when you put that scar it just adds this depth to her. It's horrendous; they did a really good job. It really ads so much to her character, because you really look inside her eyes and you can see the beauty inside her eyes, and that's what she brings to Emily. So when we did the scene it was just magic happening there that hopefully the audience will see. She really brought a lot and the scar helped out.
Radar: Tinsel had said that Kristen was really shocked by the scar, what was it like to film with the whole group, Kristen and Taylor?
Spencer: It was really good. Everyone has a different way of working; I learned that a long time ago. Kristen is an old pro, she's been working since she was a child. She comes ready to go. She's got her character down; she knows what she wants to do. She's very open to ideas as well. She's ready to play. Taylor is the same way, he's been working since he was a kid as well. I have a hard time thinking him of a kid, because he's got that man body, but he still has that baby face. The thing is they're both good people, that's what I love about them. They're both egoless. We did a scene in Emily's home and Kristen got all her scenes done and she stayed. She stayed for us to do all our close ups. You don't have to stay, you can get a stand in to come in and say all your lines but she stayed the whole time. And it was a long day. So that shows what kind of integrity and what a trooper she is. I really tip my hat to her on that. Taylor is working, when he's not doing his scene he's getting his muscles pumped, with all of us, we're all doing push ups between scenes. Those two, I like working with them, they come in they're ready to go, but they also know when to have a good time. They keep it light on the set as well, which is really good for an actor, you have to stay relaxed on set.
Radar: Who is the funniest on the set?
Spencer: I'd say Bronson. Bronson is funny, I like him. He can crack some jokes. He has a quick wit about him which we all love.
Radar: You've worked with Gil before, how is your relationship with him?
Spencer: Gil's my brother. I was very happy to be working with him again. Out of the whole cast I'm pretty close to Gil. We worked several projects together, actually all of the projects I've done have been with him. It was very top secret when I was getting this role. He didn't know when I was cast but he was very happy. We go out to dinner; we can talk about what's going on. He gives me advice, I love the guy, he's like my older brother. One of the nicest men you'll ever meet. I like working with him. He'll be there for me. In New Moon we just bounce stuff off each other and I'm very excited to work with him again.
Radar: What was your favorite scene in New Moon?
Spencer: I know people are going to read things into this, but I like the scene going into Emily's place, it really shows the characters of all of us in that scene. Kissing Tinsel Korey, it's not a bad job to kiss a beautiful woman. I've had bad jobs before, I was a bartender I was a garbage man, I've had bad jobs. This is the easiest job in the world.
Radar: How is your on screen chemistry with Tinsel Korey?
Spencer: She's a sweet heart, I love that girl. What we did was we went out for coffee and we talked to build some chemistry to sit and get to know one and other. When we got to filming it went really well, it went really easy. Of course, you meet someone and the next day you're kissing them. It's a weird profession. You can't fake it. She's one of my really good friends, I call her up. I can put her on my top five actually. I text Alex and Kiowa, we talk to each other because we're all going through this together. Tinsel I like her because I can talk to her in ways that I can't talk to the other guys. It's almost like we are becoming that family in the book. Tinsel is a good actress and a talented, talented woman. I like her music. We would just hang out and talk, go to dinner, shoot the breeze.
Radar: What about the first time you saw Tinsel with the scar? How did you feel about that?
Spencer: She's a really beautiful woman and when you put that scar it just adds this depth to her. It's horrendous; they did a really good job. It really ads so much to her character, because you really look inside her eyes and you can see the beauty inside her eyes, and that's what she brings to Emily. So when we did the scene it was just magic happening there that hopefully the audience will see. She really brought a lot and the scar helped out.
Radar: Tinsel had said that Kristen was really shocked by the scar, what was it like to film with the whole group, Kristen and Taylor?
Spencer: It was really good. Everyone has a different way of working; I learned that a long time ago. Kristen is an old pro, she's been working since she was a child. She comes ready to go. She's got her character down; she knows what she wants to do. She's very open to ideas as well. She's ready to play. Taylor is the same way, he's been working since he was a kid as well. I have a hard time thinking him of a kid, because he's got that man body, but he still has that baby face. The thing is they're both good people, that's what I love about them. They're both egoless. We did a scene in Emily's home and Kristen got all her scenes done and she stayed. She stayed for us to do all our close ups. You don't have to stay, you can get a stand in to come in and say all your lines but she stayed the whole time. And it was a long day. So that shows what kind of integrity and what a trooper she is. I really tip my hat to her on that. Taylor is working, when he's not doing his scene he's getting his muscles pumped, with all of us, we're all doing push ups between scenes. Those two, I like working with them, they come in they're ready to go, but they also know when to have a good time. They keep it light on the set as well, which is really good for an actor, you have to stay relaxed on set.
Radar: Who is the funniest on the set?
Spencer: I'd say Bronson. Bronson is funny, I like him. He can crack some jokes. He has a quick wit about him which we all love.
Radar: You've worked with Gil before, how is your relationship with him?
Spencer: Gil's my brother. I was very happy to be working with him again. Out of the whole cast I'm pretty close to Gil. We worked several projects together, actually all of the projects I've done have been with him. It was very top secret when I was getting this role. He didn't know when I was cast but he was very happy. We go out to dinner; we can talk about what's going on. He gives me advice, I love the guy, he's like my older brother. One of the nicest men you'll ever meet. I like working with him. He'll be there for me. In New Moon we just bounce stuff off each other and I'm very excited to work with him again.
Radar: What was your favorite scene in New Moon?
Spencer: I know people are going to read things into this, but I like the scene going into Emily's place, it really shows the characters of all of us in that scene. Kissing Tinsel Korey, it's not a bad job to kiss a beautiful woman. I've had bad jobs before, I was a bartender I was a garbage man, I've had bad jobs. This is the easiest job in the world.
Chaske Spencer,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
Friday, September 11, 2009
Summit Says: Edwards Volvo still SILVER!
There was this flood of inquiry and angst in our inbox and Twitter when set pictures were taken by a bystander that showed Robert Pattinson standing in front of a black/blue Volvo.
Summit's response:
“Edward is driving the exact same car he drove in NEW MOON.”
Twilight Saga:Eclipse
Meet Bella, Alice & Edward of Volterra!
Ever wondered what Bella, Alice & Edward would look like as part of the Volturi Family? How awesome are these posters?
Alice Cullen,
Bella Swan,
Edward Cullen,
The Volturi
Spoiler! What you will see in the New Trailer!
The trailer opens with a shot of Dakota Fanning as Jane, and then gives us our first look at the Volturi complete with Michael Sheen’s Aro snapping the neck of some poor human individual. Where as the first full “New Moon” trailer showed the Edward and Bella break-up, this trailer focuses on what comes after. There are shots of Bella’s motorcycle crash (scenes also shown at Comic-Con), with Jacob (Taylor Lautner) asking her what she was thinking and Jessica asking her if she is an adrenaline junkie now. We see a lot more of Bella’s cliff jump (and a totally awesome vision of Edward in the water) and of Jacob trying to comfort her. We also see Alice explaining to Bella about how Edward thinks shes dead there are some pretty extensive clips showing Italy and Bella’s run to Edward, as well as Alice’s sexy yellow Porsche. There are some quick flashes of Edi Gathegi’s Laurent with his brand-spankin’ new red contacts and shots of the Sam and the other werewolves before and after their transformations. The end of the trailer showed some epic fights going on with the Volturi, and we get to hear Bella’s token line, “No Edward, dont!” But hands down the best part of the trailer is its final moment, when Dakota Fanning walks toward the screen and states, “This may hurt just a little.”
Widget Below will transform into NEW New Moon Trailer

After the new "New Moon" trailer debuts -- the widget will transform again, into a video player containing... wait for it... THE TRAILER!!! You can also feel free to appropriate this widget for your own use; just click "Share" and copy the code into your HTML document of choice.
New Moon,
New Moon Trailer,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
Death Cab for Cutie Behind the Scenes
Behind The Scenes On The Video Set Of Death Cab For Cutie's 'Meet Me On The Equinox'
See more pics here! =)
Death Cab for Cutie,
New Moon
New New Moon Trailer Spoilers! =)

Irishgirlnc went to see Sorority Row and got to see a NEW New Moon trailer. She shares what she saw via Here is a quick excerpt:
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
- Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we've already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob's "I would never hurt you" line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it's the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying "so you're an adrenaline junkie now"
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like 'this may hurt a little'
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Eclipse:Set pics-school parking lot
Why is Edward driving a MOMMY MOBILE STATION WAGON? I hope this is Esme's car. :-) Man, if you're gonna change the story (where's the silver Volvo, dude?), at least give Edward some cool wheels.
KStew looks so pretty as Bella! She's a beautiful girl!
Yeahhh Jabob looks hawt!
See many more pics from yesterday's Eclipse set at ROBsessed and
Hey thats not KStew but I cant wait to see pics of Kris on the back of the motorcycle. Its one of my favorite parts of Eclipse! =)
Twilight Saga:Eclipse
Reelz Channel Tours the Portland Area Sets
Tours of the Portland area locations used in the Twilight movie have become popular with tourists. Reelz Channel has their own tour set up for you.
Alice's Yellow Porsche has been spotted!
Damn that is one fine car! See more at =)
Alice Cullen,
Twilight Saga:Eclipse,
Yellow Porsche
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Eclipse Vehicles? Looks Like It! =) has new pics from an Eclipse set of various Twilight Saga – Eclipse ‘vehicles’. Above is a Quileute School Bus, along with pics of a Volvo (although – why is it black? Maybe Edward got bored and painted it? non?), a Yellow car under a trap (Alice’s gift from Edward – the Porsche?), and a Jeep (could be Emmet’s, but it needs a serious lift kit! lol).
There is also pics of Charlie’s Forks Police cruiser. You can check them all out at TwiGossip!
Twilight Saga:Eclipse
Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?
I'm Team Edward even though I find myself routing for Team Jacob at times in New Moon haha.
The Examiner points out that Rob’s upcoming film Remember Me will be released on February 12, 2010, the same day that Taylor’s upcoming film Valentine’s Day will be released.
Twilight fans may or may not face a bit of a conundrum on February 12, 2010. It is the shared date of release for Remember Me and Valentine’s Day.Remember Me stars Robert Pattinson (Edward in The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), while Valentine’s Day stars Taylor Lautner (who plays Jacob in the saga).
Both films were shot with the Twilight actors during their off-time between filming New Moon and Eclipse and will be released on the same day – perhaps reanimating some of the Team Edward versus Team Jacob spirit?
One might care to wager that Kristen Stewart’s summer-shot film The Runaways would probably not be slotted for the same release date.
So, if you have to choose (and you just might), which of the two films would you see on February 12, 2010? Does the joint release date hinder your plans to see both at all?
Thanks SpunkRansom! =)
Jacob Black,
New Moon,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner,
Ashley to be MTV VMA Red Carpet Fashion Correspondant
MTV shares exciting news -- Ashley will also attend the VMAs!
For the 2009 Video Music Awards on September 13, MTV is cooking up a feast of "Twilight"-y goodness. You probably already know that stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be on hand to debut exclusive footage from their upcoming vampire saga sequel, "New Moon." But the manna from pop-culture heaven will actually begin before the show kicks off.
During the VMA preshow — which starts at 8 p.m. ET, an hour before the main event — "Twilight" star Ashley Greene (a.k.a. Alice Cullen) will be our celebrity fashion correspondent. She'll be on the A-list red carpet, bringing you live updates about what everyone's wearing and chatting with celebs as they make their way into Radio City Music Hall for the show.
Read more at MTV.
Ashley Greene,
New Moon,
Pre-ordering options for New Moon soundtrack-must see special deluxe & limited editions!
Pre-ordering options for The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack have just been announced on the official New Moon soundtrack website, and a snippet of Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" has been posted to the site as well.
According to the webmaster's post on the site,
We have exciting news today! First of all – you can now listen to a snippet from the 1st single from the soundtrack, Death Cab for Cutie’s ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’! Just go to the audio player on the homepage of to hear it now. Then visit this Sunday, September 13th during the Video Music Awards to hear the entire song!
If you want to be one of the very first people to download the song, you can now pre-order the soundtrack through the Official New Moon Soundtrack Pre-Order site at Every option will deliver ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’ to your inbox on the evening of September 13th, before it’s available anywhere else! Plus, ordering the standard, deluxe, or limited edition bundles will get you added to the Twi-Insiders Email Alert list. We’ll be sending weekly emails with exclusive information and updates about the soundtrack. Click HERE to check out all the great stuff that you can get as a part of the official pre-order!
Those options include:
Digital: a digital MP3 download of the album 72 hours before its release on October 20th and an MP3 download of Death Cab's song on September 13th for $9.99
Standard: the New Moon soundtrack on its release date of October 20th, an MP3 download of "Meet Me on the Equinox" on September 13th, a New Moon sticker sheet, and a "[w]eekly 'Twi-insiders' email alert premiering exclusive New Moon information including artist confirmations, clips of music, artist interviews and lyrics, and more" (note that the e-mail alerts will cease upon the album's formal release on October 20th) for $16.99
Deluxe: the New Moon soundtrack on its release date of October 20th, an MP3 download of "Meet Me on the Equinox" on September 13th, a New Moon sticker sheet, a "[w]eekly 'Twi-insiders' email alert premiering exclusive New Moon information including artist confirmations, clips of music, artist interviews and lyrics, and more" (note that the e-mail alerts will cease upon the album's formal release on October 20th), a digital MP3 download of the soundtrack 72 hours before its formal release on October 20th, a Limited Edition Death Cab t-shirt, and a New Moon poster for $34.99
I Want This! =)
Limited Edition (50 only available): the New Moon soundtrack on its release date of October 20th, an MP3 download of "Meet Me on the Equinox" on September 13th, a New Moon sticker sheet, a "[w]eekly 'Twi-insiders' email alert premiering exclusive New Moon information including artist confirmations, clips of music, artist interviews and lyrics, and more" (note that the e-mail alerts will cease upon the album's formal release on October 20th), a digital MP3 download of the soundtrack 72 hours before its formal release on October 20th, a Limited Edition Death Cab t-shirt, and a New Moon poster, and a Twilight Soundtrack Commemorative Plaque for sales over 2 million units with your name on it for $499.99So, tell us, if you're pre-ordering with these options, which would you choose and why? Comment below and let us know!
Photos: Summit Entertainment
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
NM Soundtrack:Meet Me On The Equinox
Meet Me On The Equinox by Death Cab Cutie has been announced as the first single for New Moon. And here is a 30 second sneak peek clip of the song. Dont forget they will be performing this song on the MTV Music Awards this weekend =) Listen to it here!
Death Cab Cutie,
New Moon The Movie,
KStew Interview - talks about NM action figure
Kristen Stewart gives her take on her career in general with Times Online.
"I think she has a much bigger rack than I have.” Kristen Stewart is pondering her New Moon action figure - the little plastic doll that represents Bella, her character in the film franchise — while checking the proportions of the bust. “I also think she looks much older than me,” she adds, before setting the figure aside. I pick it up and, on closer inspection, the doll does look a little older than its real-life progenitor (as to the “rack”, closer inspection would be inappropriate). “It’s strange,” continues the 19-year-old actress, “but people often think I’m a little bit older than I really am. A French journalist asked me earlier on how my teenage years had affected my later life. I’m still in my teens.” She smiles. “Really, even if I was older, how could my teenage years not have shaped my life? I don’t know how to answer that..."
Kristen Stewart,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
New Moon Bella & Edward Poster
A few weeks ago we saw a tiny little pic of this, now here is the real deal. Enjoy! I love it and look at Edwards hands! New poster for sale at French
New Moon The Movie,
Twilight Saga:New Moon
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Most Famous Hand Model on the Planet
Kimbra Hickey, whose hands grace the cover of our beloved Twilight, was photographed in NYC on Tuesday. Read more at Radaronline.
Thx, TCA!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Marcus Foster: Interview and Photo Shoot
Cause=Time sat down with Marcus Foster in early August to talk music. Photographer Todd Roeth joined with them and we have this fantastic shoot of Marcus
C=T & photographer extraordinaire Todd Roeth have teamed up again for another addition of Quick Hits. This week, we have caught up with UK singer-songwriter, Marcus Foster. The solo artist is touring behind a a live album and EP. Not to mention appearing on two different soundtracks and having a heartthrob for a bff (my wife thinks he’s pretty dreamy). Needless to say, the guy is very busy and most earnest singer songwriter touring the circuit.
View more of the interview & pics here! =)
Marcus Foster
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