Friday, December 4, 2009

Eeek - New Moon DVD & Cover Preview!

As always, these can be printed up and used in standard amaray cases. They should print from photoshop (or similar) at 300dpi. I haven't printed this one up yet, so do so at your own risk.. I have been known to make spelling mistakes and such, but this time, if they are present, blame Summit's website designer rather than me, yes? :D

Also, the back of the cover was done in the style of the official Twilight dvd release. IDK why, it just is. Thank you TwiCrackAddict!!

Cover Preview:

Disc Preview:

1 comment:

  1. i am ashamed to admit i have done something i have never done before or will ever do again, i bought a pirated copy of new moon to watch at home, i couldnt stand it i wanted to see it again soooo bad, but what can i say i'm a twi hard at heart,

    just call me a bad bad girl
