Twilight Examiner Amanda Bell has an interesting article on this same topic asking fans if they rather see New Moon movie PG-13 with the best scenes being deleted or a Rated- R.
Will Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner’s Twilight Saga: New Moon be rated R?
Twilight, 2008’s hit book-to-film translation of Stephenie Meyer’s masterpiece novel, was rated PG-13 “for some violence and a scene of sensuality.” That scene of sensuality, as we know, was the ever-elusive kissing scene between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen in her bedroom.
The Twilight DVD’s deleted scenes, if included, would have elevated the number of “sensual” scenes by adding one more kiss scene, a playful (but racy) scene between Edward and Bella in the woods, and a vampire lip-lock between Rachelle LeFevre and Cam Gigandet (Victoria and James).
By limiting these scenes in Twilight, the film remained rated PG-13. That “some violence” included the attack of one security guard in Mason County, the attack of Waylan (friend of Bella’s father, Charlie swan), and the attack of Bella by James with Edward’s subsequent rescue.
New Moon, however, if remaining true to Meyer’s book, is guaranteed to contain more violence and sensuality.
fans hope that the movie starts out with a bang. No, not literally, but fans hope that Edward and Bella’s relationship includes more animated lip-locking and romance. After having spent a wonderful summer together, their relationship, like in the book, should be much more touchy-feely.
I think that the movie should be like the book. Leave nothing out! Look at the Twilight deleted scenes, I wish they would’ve made it to the movie and not in special features.
We just have to wait and see.
Would you rather see New Moon as PG-13 or Rated- R?
I really love the books!they're the best series ive ever read..I think id rather see new moon as pg 13 because i know the main thing of the whole series is the love between bella and edward but id rather see it as pg13 because if its rated r its ok but the sensuality scenes dont have to be to strong you can just show them kisssing or cuddling together all the time.that way my whole family can just enjoy iy.....
ReplyDeleteit should be rated pg
ReplyDeletedo you know how many younger kids are reading twilight now??
and if its pg 13, they aren't going to be able to see it
it should definitely not be rated R!!!
if twilight isn't rated R, why should new moon be?
it should be rated pg because of jacob as a werewolf and the other violence
they'll be a few kissing scenes, but if its just as the book, there should only be ONE kissing scene!
Twilight, 2008’s hit book-to-film translation of Stephenie Meyer’s MASTERPIECE novel??
ReplyDeleteMasterpiece? Who are you comparing it to....those 10 page children's picture books?
Please dont rate it R I mean my mom has not even let me watch the first one because it was PG13 and I AM 13! I wish I could I have read the first 3 books but cant read Breaking Dawn wich is stupid but my mom is protecting me ya rght well thanks for listening! Please make pg i am begging you I need to watch at least one of the movies the books sre great so listen to an outsider who is pleading a teenager who needs help to watch this movie!!!!
ReplyDeleteAshley 13 Kearney, NE
dude just go to a friends house and watch it. if your mom doesnt even let you watch a pg 13 movie then you've got a lot more problems than not being able to watch twilight. i feel for you
ReplyDeleteokay, so i definitely think it should be rated pg-13 because if it is rated R, it may limit the number of viewers. there are younger kids that love twilight too and their parents most likely wont want them to see a rated R movie. most movies are rated R because of sexual content so i just think it would limit the number of people who would be allowed to see it. please be pg-13!
ReplyDeleteWell as a reader and reading all the twilight series more than one there a is a lot of sexuality between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan but also as a big movie fan i can say that AlOT od teens and AlOT of children will be very peed off becouse i know people who have children that LOVE twilight... But isnt that were most of the money came from for New Moon from Tennagers and Children really couse teens are most of the money and alot of teens are the one reading twilight and going to c the movie like 12 to 16 cant c New Moon if its rated R and the will lose alot of money becouse of making it Rated R so it has to be PG-13 and for the gross people out there who just want to see the sexuality and the hotness GET A LIFE U DISGUSTING PERVS
ReplyDeleteAs a teenager im limited to movie im mostly only aloud to see Pg-13 and Stephenie Meyer didnt put alot of sexuality into any of the twilight books and for the teen girlk whos mom wont let her read Breaking Dawn i feel for u cous my older brother said i couldent read the last 2 books becouse his girlfriend read it and i read it anyway and the dont mention any amout of sex at all it ust says she brused and the headboard of the bed is brocken and theres feathers every were not about the sex so like the first anonymos pearson said just show cuddling its not fair to the yonger people screw the people who are only in it for the sex thats disgusting like really what kind of person are u god.....and in new moon it has like no seuality at all but violence but children grow up with violence in videogames but thats beside the point New Moon needs to be rated PG13 so please please please rate New Moon PG-13
Twilight Fan
i think that new moon is going to be rated r, because i just watched an interview with jamie cambell-bower aka cauis and he said that there is a scene in which three volturi members are completely NAKED!!!! he said that EVERYTHING is shown!!!! i have no idea why there would be a scene like this in new moon, considering it isn't even in the book!! i think this scene would ruin everything! it would make the movie be rated r and no one under 17, like me, would be able to see it in theaters without their parents taking them!!!! i really hope that they decide to cut that scene out!!!! i want it to be rated pg-13!!!! :(
ReplyDeleteI think New Moon should be rated pg13 because some partents wont let their kids go see it if it rated r. eberyone I know wont be able to see so just keep it pg 13 and btw theirs not going to be a nude scene in it.
ReplyDeletei think new moon should be rated pg13. most of the people watching it are teens. teens cant watch r. i think they would loose a lot of money making it r. i dont think that is such a good idea. Make it PG13
ReplyDeletedefinately pg-13. the book itself isnt that bad. besides, there are so many KIDS (including me) who read twilight now and LOVE IT. if its rated r not only will they be crushed but their will be such fewer views and they will make less money. also my 5 year old brother thinks edward cullen is cool cuz he's seen twilight and he wants to see the new movie so ya. PG-13 ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNew Moon should be rated pg-13 or pg. why ruin a good movie by puting all that crap in there?
ReplyDeleteI want it to be like the book.... which means it'll be to the point of Rated-R but whatever! I want the movie done right.
ReplyDeleteIt totally should be rated r.... it'll better that way.
ReplyDeletei love the series. new moon should totally be rated PG-13 because if it is R then some people can't see it because their parents are strict.
ReplyDeleteI have seen the first and the second movie. And it's most romantic, problems and drama in it. It isn't that much violence. Like in the second movie, we can see that when Jake transform into a warewolf, he and the other guy begin to fight, We just see them fight 4 like 10 sec then their going in to the woods. It isn't much sex in it but it's much kissing. Like i think Breaking Dawn is going to be rated r because it's going to be a lot of sex scenes. But like the other's it' just like kissing and a little violence.