Move over, Twyla Babe-Sucker, you've got company on the New Moon set: Her name's Julie Bone-Jumper.
But first, gotta say: It's almost as if Twilight creator Stephenie Meyer made sure the contract stated that her angst-ridden teeny vampire love story be cast only with equally pale, angst-ridden love-torn young actors.
Such is the case with Twyla Babe-Sucker, star of our last Twilight Vice installment. And it's certainly the case, as well, for Ms. JBJ.
And Julie, like Twyla, has another love...
Though, we must admit, Julie's man isn't nearly as jealous as Twyla's cranky, twitching freakazoid of a BF. Still, he's not exactly thrilled that Julie's been all-too-obviously jonesing for one of her humpy Twilight costars, who isn't exactly hiding his feelings for Julie, either.
Now, can we be honest here?
As perfecto as Ms. Babe-Sucker's tastes may be, it simply must be stated—plain and stud-simple—that I do think Julie's going gonzo for the hunkier dude. I can def see why she's considering dumping the full-time BF for a sweet little fling with the muscled costar in question. Who wouldn't?
Just wonder if it would last (so, too, no doubt, would certain Twilight powers that be).
I mean, Nikki Reed probably would have launched on this dude at the first table reading! Wonder if she did...
Oh, and I've had it with E!'s snitty, pearl-and-cardigan wearing lawyers. I'm Twittering the next set of clues. Follow my ass and make some guesses. Screw old-time snail blolumns.
It Ain't: Nikki Reed, Elizabeth Reaser, Rachelle Lefevre
We clearly know who he is talking about. K to the S
I have no idea what this is saying . . .?